Published on May 12, 2017

Published on May 12, 2017
Psych is used by the government to silence whistleblowers! #PsychVictims They psych eval so whistleblowers cannot be believed in court. CIA Whistleblower Kevin Shipp reveals the poisoning of his family, secrecy acts, killer poisoning of American citizens, government collaboration with search engines like Google, 9/11 being a controlled demolition, media collaboration with intelligence agencies, and censorship of his book.

- Revealed by EPVP's edition, is Brittany Murphy's death by poison for supporting Homeland Security Whistleblower Julia Davis. This likely was due to how her support would expose 9/11 since Julia discovered on a "suspicious day" 23 people crossing the border from terrorist countries without proper checks.

The IG (inspector general) ignored Shipp's reports about toxins on the base affecting his wife and son. He also used independent sources as did Murphy's father to reveal toxins. As the IG, the Los Angeles Coroner also ignored any toxicity. Brittany Murphy and Julia Davis's video from EPVP:

- Susan Lindaur is a CIA asset and a 9/11 as well as government whistleblower. She was put into a psych ward and falsely imprisoned. This supports psych being used to silence people, to discredit, and as secondary prison.

- Operation Mockingbird, to control the media by intelligence agencies
- MKUltra and its ties to Kevin Shipp revealing a boy almost dying from toxins, and subsequent blackouts of his book, @From the Company of Shadows.
- How agencies want people to kill themselves, and use chemicals as well as intimidation, destruction of livelihood, and more to do so. (LSD experiment, Martin Luther King Jr's wiretapping and anonymous letter telling him indirectly to die).

All of this "culture of secrecy" is being perpetuated and hidden by psychology and "mental health." It is social control. See through the "mental hygiene" brainwashing. People in the past used to question, but those now, do not, and "mental hygiene" has only exponentially increased.

Kevin Shipp's 2017 podcast:
#AntiMentalHeath #AntiPsychology #Whistleblowers Anonymous wake up. @Targeted Individuals @Ninan Duvall (contact her if a #targeted or #gangstalked person at: )

- Note, unlike Ninan Duvall, this Kevin Shipp person does NOT like to be contacted by victims, and WILL ban/block you from posting to his facebook page of "From the Company of Shadows" unless Facebook did it automatically, which is doubtful.


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